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Joshua Documentation | Quick Start

Released November 5, 2015

Quick Start

If you just want to use Joshua to translate data, the quickest way is to download a pre-built model.

If not language pack is available, or if you have your own parallel data that you want to train the translation engine on, then you have to build your own model. This takes a bit more knowledge and effort, but is made easier with Joshua’s pipeline script, which runs all the steps of preparing data, aligning it, and extracting and tuning component models.

Detailed information about running the pipeline can be found in the pipeline documentation, but as a quick start, you can build a simple Bengali–English model by following these instructions.

NOTE: We suggest you build models outside the $JOSHUA directory.

First, download the dataset:

mkdir -p ~/models/bn-en/
cd ~/models/bn-en
wget -q
tar xzf indian-parallel-corpora-1.0.tar.gz
ln -s indian-parallel-corpora-1.0 input

Then, train and test a model

$JOSHUA/bin/ --source bn --target en \
    --type hiero \
    --no-prepare --aligner berkeley \
    --corpus input/bn-en/tok/ \
    --tune input/bn-en/tok/ \
    --test input/bn-en/tok/

This will align the data with the Berkeley aligner, build a Hiero model, tune with MERT, decode the test sets, and reports results that should correspond with what you find on the Indian Parallel Corpora page. For more details, including information on the many options available with the pipeline script, please see its documentation page.

Finally, you can export the full model as a language pack:

./ \
  tune/ \
  language-pack-bn-en \
  --pack-tm grammar.gz

(or possibly tune/1/ if you’re using an older version of the pipeline).

This will create a runnable model in language-pack-bn-en. See the README file in that directory for information on how to run the decoder.